Thursday, June 11, 2015

lappy top

Hello everyone. I have good news. I just bought a laptop a few days ago. I'm very happy with the deal that i got eventhough i've exceeded my budget. The price that i paid for the laptop is so best. That can only mean one thing. If you have read my previous post, i wanted a laptop so that i can blog more frequently. But the laptop isnt with me right now. I asked my buddy, nazri to help me safeguard it. My house is under renovation. Im afraid that something bad will happen.Speaking of nazri. Its his birthday today! Happy 25th birthday to you. I really need help. I've been having sleepless night for long time now. Hey! Anyway, my laptop is red in colour! Sooo sexy! Earlier on at arnd 3am, i tried to add a song to my blog but seems like theres no change. I'll just wait to get my hands on the laptop. But for now, i'll put my phone away and close my eyes. Goodnight all!

Friday, June 5, 2015

what i need

In order to start a new revolution of a kickass blog, i need a laptop. I need to hear the sounds of the keyboard while i typed out all my interesting thoughts. Wait.... I'm broke! I'll just make do with my phone for now 😢😢